Everyone loves good surprises. You what they don’t love? Bad surprises. And because this is real life, those kinda surprises happen more than we’d like them to. Like when you come home from work and your entire apartment smells like a boarding school latrine because your toilet backed up when you were out.

Anyway, here’s how we’re handling all bad financial surprises this 2020 and we advise you to do the same.

1) Dig into your savings:

The amazing thing about putting away a percentage of your income (however often you get it) is that when the universe inevitably throws a financial emergency your way, you won’t be left confused as to how to proceed. Because you have money stashed away for a rainy day.

2) Ask your friends for help.

Of course, you could ask your friends. But remember that they may be dealing with problems of their own and might not have disposable income at the time, leaving you in the lurch, not because they want to but because they have no choice.

3) Ask your parents for help:

You’ll still get some version of the above line when you come clean about the real reason you came to stay for the weekend. The least you can do is butter them up a bit by doing chores and stuff like that. That way, your inevitable lecture will like 40 mins instead of the usual two hours.

4) Crowdfunding:

Gofundme and Kickstarter are the two most commonly used platforms. You open an account on either of them and solicit for funds from the general public (usually the internet). Think about this properly and ask yourself if this is the direction you’d like your life to head in. If you’re answer was no, look no further than the next entry.

5) Get Life Insurance now:

Life Insurance is the ultimate safety net. Contrary to popular belief, life insurance isn’t just for your loved ones when you die. It can also work for you in the case of an accident or losing your job, acting as a financial cushion until you can get back on your feet.

This brings us to our friends who partnered with us to make this article: the good people over at ARM Life.

ARM Life has made it their mission to be the leading provider of protection and wealth creation solutions in Nigeria. Which is why they’re making it super easy for people to get started with insurance relating to life, health, and annuity.

Make the first move and visit ARM Life today to get started.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.