1) Snakes:

Snakes are creepy, dangerous, and disgusting. I don’t know how they have sex and the fact that I’m not completely sure how they give birth makes me uncomfortable. Also, after what one of their kind did to Adam and Eve, they should’ve been cancelled. I don’t care if it was Lucifer in disguise.
2) Geckoes:

These things are a sin against nature. I have a theory that the reason they are somehow transparent is because they exist between the land of the living and the dead. Also, they have this nonsense habit of crawling into houses and staring at people from the ceiling. What is up with that?
3) Mosquitoes:

Small exposed body of water and these idiots will show up to lay eggs, make noise in your ear, and suck your blood. Rubbish.
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4) Cats:

They’re too mysterious. They look like they know the secrets of the universe but are choosing not to share. Then there’s the fact that they treat humans like slaves. Almost like they think we’re still in ancient Egypt.
5) Spiders:

All they do is leave webs all of over the place, and crawl into your mouth when you’re asleep.
6) Rats:

Because what purpose do they serve? All they do is eat important documents, shit everywhere, and spread Lassa fever.
Also, I don’t care if these animals do serve a purpose in the ecosystem. I’m throwing hands with Noah whenever I meet him.
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