Mumu button is the technical Nigerian term for the keys to your heart and the code to your head. Sometimes you give it to people on your own, other times you give it to them without knowing you did. This list is here to clear up any doubt you may have about whether or not your mumu button is still in your possession.
1. You think about them a lot.
Totally unprovoked, you just stop yourself mid-chore and realize that you paused to laugh at a joke you both shared. Or something reminded you of them and that thought triggered another thought about them. And while at it, you have a silly smile plastered on your face.
2. You talk about them a lot.
Correction, you bore people with details about them a lot. A friend says they like semovita and it just triggers you to start educating everyone on why your mumu button holder prefers eba. Nobody asked you o.
3. You chat with them a lot.
Anybody trying to scroll to the beginning of your chat with them will end up with a six packed thumb. And you both are not slowing down anytime soon. Don’t even get us started on the voice and video calls between chats.
4. You re-read your chats with them more often than you read past questions in school.
While smiling sheepishly. If you were this serious with re-reading your school notes you just might bagged that first class yunno.
5. They get almost anything they ask from you.

When they are in the picture you become zaddy/sugar mummy general of laive. Giving, giving and just giving. The theme becomes “Take all my money”.
6. You saved their number with a special name and an emoji.
Special name + Emoji = Mumu button successfully transferred.
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