If you’ve been in this situation before, you’ll know it’s not a joke. Your hair is bushy and you’re ready for a haircut. You go to your barber’s and his apprentice tells you “oga no dey”. Nope. You decide to come back later. It is oga that must cut your hair.
Oga is around now and you’re about 1 hour from looking like the Ludacris on his wallpaper

But… shit happens

Don’t panic (for more than 10 minutes). This article will show you what to do when you get a horrible haircut.
1. Just go bald

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being bald. It’s better to go bald than to go around embarrassing your family. Shave your head and when people ask, say it’s just a new, mature look.
2. Change Your Identity And Ghost

If you can’t rock a bald head, then it’s time to abandon everyone you know and just leave for a few months. Your wife and son cannot see you like that. Leave society and go somewhere to wait for your hair to grow back. Your wife will appreciate you when you explain the real reason you disappeared for four months.
3. Japa

If you’ve been considering leaving the country and never coming back, this is the perfect opportunity. Nothing motivates a man more than a bad haircut. Santorini is calling you.
4. Fight your barber

To prove that you’re still a man, challenge your barber to a duel to the dearth. Don’t hold back. Pour out all your frustrations on him. Next time, he won’t mess with the wrong person’s hair.
5. Learn barbing

Leaen barbing. But not because you want to give yourself a good haircut. Learn it so that you can inflict upon others what has been inflicted upon you. The show must go on.
6. Go with the flow (not recommended)

Just rock your bad hair like that. Use it as a chance to weed out the fake people from your life. If they laugh at you, cut them off. Win-Lose, but at least it’s not Lose-Lose.