If you’re the last born of your family, trust us, we know you’ve suffered a lot. We’ve gone ahead and compiled a couple of memes we know you’ll be able to relate to.
1. When someone comes to drop plates after you finish doing the dishes

You just know they intentionally waited for you toa finish before they dropped the new plates.
2. When your siblings hit you when your parents are around

Let your lungs do the singing. Let the ends of the earth hear your cries!
3. When your older ones make you promise to keep a secret or else…

Yes, you can.
4. Your older siblings when you try to fight for your rights

They’re always too quick to pull the “We’re mates now abi?” card. Why?
5. All that’s on your mind when your elder siblings are bullying you

Only if you could say them out loud.
6. When your older siblings get married and everyone starts saying it’s your turn

7. When someone asks a what question and the answer is actually “Water”

Older sibling: What poured on your shirt?
Me: Water?
Meanwhile, in your mind, you’re actually saying “water” the rude way.