Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and body odour lingers in the nose of whoever catches the whiff. You have your bath before stepping out of your house every day, but you’re always shocked to find yourself smelling funny within a few hours. Here’s why:
You’re team “natural scent”
Sorry to disappoint you, but your natural musk isn’t anyone’s favourite deodorant flavour.
You only shower when you need to go out
Water touches your body only when there’s an outing or a visitor. Please remind me not to enter your house.
You think perfume masks body odour
Body odour and perfume can’t go aura for aura. Otherwise, your funky smell will pollute that sweet, innocent fragrance.
Friends don’t tell you the truth
Except your body odour has chased your friends away. Real ones would tell you about the stank and gift you some deodorants, preferably the Rexona 72-Hour Deodorant.
Too shy to get help
You’re not too big to talk to people and ask them how to tackle body odour.
You shop for random deodorants
Instead of buying any deodorant you see, here’s a recommendation; Rexona 72 Hours Deodorant. It’s the new boss in town. It keeps you dry and fresh for long hours, no matter how much you move.
You think deodorant is expensive
Keep aside the fancy things you’ve heard about deodorant. It’s literally one of the cheapest body care items. An affordable and effective one like Rexona 72 Hours Deodorant will serve you. Invest in yourself.