Halloween is a western tradition that basically involves lots of costuming and sweet sharing but many Nigerians don’t see it that way. For them, engaging in trick or treating is a sure way to turn into a cat and start flying at night.
While people in the abroad were celebrating Halloween yesterday and our very own Falz even threw a Halloween party this week, Nigerian mothers who have banned their children from watching Harry Potter, least they get initiated into witchcraft, were raising their eyebrows.
We feel the pain of Nigerians who simply can’t believe that Halloween is nothing but an occult practice that is cloaked in trifling activities that seem harmless, which is why we’ve created a list of why Halloween cannot happen in Nigeria
1) Nigerian parents that believe that you’ll become a vampire if you watch Twilight for too long

Because those characters can jump out of the TV to turn you
2) The belief that people sharing sweets are distributing witchcraft

…and you’ll see yourself flying at night as bird and waking up in a cave.
3) The belief that the children going from house to house trick-or-treating are evil spirits in children’s form

Why else will children be walking up and down begging for sweets at night?
4) The belief that you’ll be used for money rituals if you attend any Halloween party

Remember the party scene in Jenifa?
5) The belief that the gathering is an unholy one of pagan worshippers

Because anyone that celebrates Halloween is a Satan worshipper
6) Pagan parents who will ask their children which god approved Halloween

…warning them not to offend one god in favour of another, so the don’t get struck by thunder.
7) The belief that the party decorations are cloaked spirits that can be invoked at anytime

Because those fake spiderwebs might have been soaked in juju
8) The belief that anybody that gets excited about Halloween is Devil’s incarnate

Prepare yourself to be excused from all religious activities in Nigeria if you dare go to an Halloween party
But, for real though, imagine how scary it will be if Nigerians embrace Halloween; everyone will be geared up in the most fearful costume, think of our Nigerian gods o–we don’t have tooth fairy here, just ol’ masquerades that walk around with koboko and strike fear by their presence.