My name is Dwin, The Stoic. I’m a singer, songwriter and performer, which is interesting because I wanted to be a Catholic priest for the longest time. Some fun facts about me are that I collect coins and I’m a cancer. Apparently, that’s why my emotions influence my sad songs. (laughs in millennial)
Coins? How is that fun?
Okay, it’s not like I don’t have other hobbies. But it’s something I like. It’s my thing. That’s a fun thing about me.

Dwin, that’s 40+ hobby, but let’s talk about that priest thing you mentioned
Like every other boy that grew up Catholic, I wanted to be a priest. I convinced myself it was my calling until I turned 15. The year I discovered women.
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So, from potential priest to musician that sings about heartbreak? How did we get here?
I’ve always been singing, but it was something I did with friends. It started in secondary school with a record label my friends and I started, but that didn’t last long. I’ve also made music with my friend 3rty. We’ve been friends since high school, and we went to Covenant university together. Besides that, I’m also in a band with a friend. It just makes sense to work with close people you know are talented. Officially, I put up my first album in 2017, and I haven’t looked back since.
So your name wasn’t always Dwin the Stoic?
Nope. in secondary school, it was Ozone and then Nu Maestro. The Stoic just started as my Twitter handle. I picked it up from a song by Mumford and Sons, they are an enormous influence on me. And Dwin is a shortened version of my name, Edwin. I’m not stoic, but I sing about sad shit and emotions, which is the opposite, but I like the name. Plus, a musician named Dwin exists, so it stuck.
Speaking of you singing sad shit, who was that person that got away? Are you doing okay?
I can see how they feel that way. I’ve listened to my songs. It’s not like I’m getting heartbroken left and right out here. I’m just a talented songwriter, and it’s because I am an excellent writer as well. So, all my sad short stories and poems became songs. Sometimes, it’s direct heartbreak. One person inspired Heavy Heart after all, but sometimes it could be three heartbreaks that my brain would turn to one song.
So you combine the heartbreak into one song, so none of them feels special? I love it.
Sometimes it’s one person wicked enough to give you heartbreak to sing about, but sometimes it’s just inspired conversations with people. In my next album, there is a song called Mad It’s probably my saddest song.
As sad as my music can be,I think that’s why people are drawn to it. When you listen to me, you can feel all those feelings you can’t explain with words because I’ve done it for you.
It’s your confidence for me. I love to see it.
Well, I’m at a place where this music thing has gotten effortless for me. For instance, I’ve made songs on the spot at some of my shows. At first, it was nerve-racking. I never knew what would come out of my mouth, but it always ended up good. At my last show, I did a freestyle where people gave me the words like, “Happy” “Broken”, and “Alcohol”, and I came up with a freestyle that was so nice the producer asked to produce it, and now it’s the final song on my album.
On a scale of 1-10, how fulfilled do you feel doing what you do?
I’m about to sound braggy, but quite good at this music thing. My album and the next two EPs are ready. I want people to hear this because of how much range they showed, so I would say that I am pretty fulfilled in music-making. I enjoy it and can do it in my sleep. If I don’t write another piece of music for the next three years, I’ll be fine.
I’m looking forward to writing music for other people. I loved writing for Adekunle Gold. Hopefully, I will get to work with some fantastic people this year.

Are there some specific people you’d love to work with?
I want to work with Asa. We would have the best of times because her vibe is excellent. I think I would write killer songs for Sam Smith. I have a piece ready for the Cavemen. We haven’t spoken yet; I just have plans to work with them. Hopefully, I’ll release stuff with other people. Long term, I want to work with Labrinth. He has a solo career outside his group, LSD, and I have Ignis brothers. So, we are very similar.

If you’re done recording, can I send a voice note you’ll use in one of your songs so I can say I’ve made it?
You know what, just freestyle. If you can think of something cool, send it to me. And I might even make a song around it.
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