Art connects us to one another. It’s a way to express ourselves and show how we view the world. Michael  Sio is doing such with his art. The art works of the Nairobi based artist gives satirical commentary on contemporary social, economic and political trends in Kenya.

Soi touches on ‘taboo’ issues that are controversial in Kenyan society such as commercial sex work and corruption.

In 2012 and 2013, he created a series of satirical China Loves Africa paintings to question the intentions of China in Africa.
The paintings explores China-Africa partnership as that of neo-colonialism.  His work views the relationship as a “love affair” profiting one side. China is hungry for raw materials from Africa and Africa is poor and desperate.With African leaders are looking trade partners who will not ask questions, he likens China to a sugar daddy,
In 2015, he created more paintings titled The Shame of Venice to offer his take on persons who lack the capacity to represent Kenya’s contemporary art to the international arena, posturing to the world as the Kenyan Pavilion.
Asides from bringing attention to happenings in Kenyan society, Soi is making a visual diary of Kenya so that those not yet born can get to see what the country looked like.

Soi’s paintings aren’t restricted to the heavy stuff. He also has beautifully drawn painting printed on tote bags, such as these one:

To see more of Michael Soi’s work, visit his Facebook page. Featured image: Circle Art Agency.


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