Our parents have gotten older now, and it’s our turn to make them happy. But Nigerian parents make it tough to surprise them. Nigerian mums always want to know what you’re doing; they’re always in your business. 

We’re going to help you with a few tips on how to successfully throw a surprise party for your Nigerian parents. 

1. Tell them to follow you to a religious event

Nigerian parents are often very religious and won’t hesitate to follow you to a religious event. They’ll be impressed that God has finally touched your life and will be a little to enthusiastic about the trip. 

2. Don’t tell their friends about the party till the night before

You don’t want anyone ruining the surprise you’ve spent months planning. If you tell your mum’s friend early on, the invitation to the event will end up on her Unique Sisters WhatsApp group chat. Wait until the night before to invite their friends to the surprise. 

3. Don’t live in the same house with them

If you don’t live with your parents, you’re safe. But if you live in the same house with your parents, one of your parents is going to sniff the information out from you. Move out of their house until you let the cat out of the bag. I don’t know where you’re going to live in the meantime o, but sha move out of their house until it’s over. 


Every Nigerian Parent’s Search History Probably Looks Like This

4. Tell them you’re taking them out to see their favourite actor 

Tell them you have tickets for them to hang out with their favourite actors. You think Nigerian parents don’t care about things like this, but they really do. Alternatively, you can also try to have that actor at the surprise party.

5. Drive around your area and attend any party you see going on with them

You didn’t throw the party or plan it, but you attended it with them nonetheless. If they’re not even disappointed by your action, they’ll be surprised you decided to be a “mogbo, moya” (translation: “I heard, I turned”). 

6. Surprise them by getting married 

If you’re unmarried, find a boo and get married. That’ll def surprise your parents. Give your parents a reason to celebrate, be happy and also surprised. If your parents are still not surprised after all this, then we don’t know for you again. 

ALSO READ: 10 Things to Be Prepared for When Planning a Wedding in Nigeria


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.