Burner accounts are all the rave. Almost everyone has one but what is the appeal of a burner twitter account? Why are they so popular? We decided to ask a few Nigerians who own burner accounts why they own one and the answers are absolutely fascinating.

Chukwuemeka, 23.
Having a burner is scary because I know how many people’s burners I’ve recognised from just their bodies and because of that fear, I’ve deactivated my burner account a couple of times. I originally opened my burner to watch and retweet porn. Then my partner at the time suggested we make videos and upload and it started from there. It is a good outlet for all the nasty things I enjoy.

Anthonia, 20.
So the first one I opened was my original burner and I had like ten people on it and it is very private. It is like when I want to tell my friends important news at once and keep them in the loop and on the days when I just vanish and I am not replying to anyone on social media, I go there to make them aware I am alive. I opened the second one because I thought the first was too depressing, and I wanted to laugh more but like anonymously shade people too and that one has about forty people. My public account has like 3,000 followers and I am very open about sex, sexuality, sensuality and even my mental health, but sharing all of that with three thousand people seemed a lot. Especially because somedays I am so horny I lose sight in my right eye. So, I opened the NSFW one. None of my friends have access to it and it is fairly new. I can tweet about how I want to get fucked with a gun to my head and nobody will reply with “?” or call my boyfriend to check up on me.

Scott, 25.

My burner account has more followers than my public account. I have five thousand followers on my public account and eleven thousand followers on my burner account. I started it so I could like and talk about porn videos in peace and without people judging me. Eventually, I started retweeting some videos as a way to curate the videos I liked watching and boom, my following skyrocketed. After a while, I started posting my content and putting an onlyfans link as a way to monetise my audience and wow, it’s been going great. Sometimes, I quote on my videos posted on my burner account with my public account and go ‘AHHH?’ and because people don’t know what my body looks like, no one clocks it’s me and that helps me get more retweets etc.

Nancy, 27.
I go to my burner account so I can be petty and shady and mean and emotional without people looking at me weird. My boss follows my ‘normal’ account so I need a place where I can bitch about work without getting an email from HR saying I have been fired for gross misconduct or portraying the company in a bad light.

Ife, 23.
My burner account is my digital safe space but it is a source of income. People underrate how much some folks make from promoting other’s people’s OnlyFans. I have about 20,000 followers on my burner and because of the kind of content I post, they are hella engaging so some small porn creators reach out so I can share their stuff and help them rake in more subscribers and more money. I post my own onlyfans content too. And because it is anon, no one holds me to any standard so I can say and do whatever. Who is going to check me?


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