NYSC camp lasts for 3 weeks. During this period, all prospective corps members are mandated to stay in camp and not leave for any reasons. Most times, this mandatory staying works fine. But there are times when you need something that is unavailable within the camp premises. Sometimes even, you might need to sort out something that you cannot do in camp. How then do you go about it? This post will show you how.

Leaving Camp for Bank Issues and related issues.

The procedure for this is simple. All you need to do is write a letter. That’s what NYSC requires. This letter is your formal application for an exeat. It is a normal formal letter; if you paid attention during your undergraduate GNS courses, you should know how to find your way around it.

Here are some helpful tips:
1. Buy an A4 sheet or a higher education sheet from Mammy Market. Costs N20 or so.

2. It’s a formal letter, so it will have two addresses: Your address in camp and your Platoon Officer’s address. Here’s a sample camp address:

BLOCK D, Room 2,
Muhammadu Buhari Hostel,
Borno State NYSC Orientation Camp,
Centre For Peace and Disaster Management (NSCDC),
Babbar-Ruga, Batsari Road,

Your Platoon Officer is the one you address the letter to. You can approach him/her for his address. But here’s a very rough sample:

Colonel Madu Madu,
Block A, Room 3,
Soldiers’ Quarters,
Borno State Orientation Camp,
Centre For Peace and Disaster Management (NSCDC),

Babbar-Ruga, Batsari Road,

Your platoon head signs on it, and you take it to the camp director who grants you permission.

Dear Sir,
Heading: Permission To Go Out Of NYSC Camp.
Body: I, Ikenegbu Idemili Akuakwem with the state code number BO/19C/0162 and the call up number NYSC/ILR/2019/230496 write to request for permission to go out of the NYSC orientation camp.
I have been informed by bank officials that I need to visit their branch in order to register for my BVN in order to facilitate my account opening process. The exercise will be completed in less than an hour, and I will be back in camp on the same day.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Ikenegbu Idemili Akuakwem


State code.

That’s how to leave NYSC camp. Simple as ABC.

NB: Corps members going out of camp are expected to be fully kitted.

Image result for how to leave nysc camp

If you plan to leave camp for your graduation or call to bar, you simply follow the same process. Only this time, you don’t have to return to the camp. Once you leave, you japa forever and ever. Make sure you collect your allowance though.

You can’t leave NYSC camp? Here are tips to survive it then. Yes, these tips work. How Did You Survive NYSC Camp? 11 Corpers Share Their Stories


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