1. Oritsefemi has this unfortunate tattoo at the top of his chest.

Ugly, at best.
2. Joseline Hernandez has this atrocious tattoo on her midriff.

3. This travesty of a back tattoo Tonto Dikeh got a few years ago.

I hope she didn’t pay the tattoo artist complete money sha!
4. This horrible neck tattoo on the side of Chris Brown’s neck.
One word. Why?
5. Please in what world was this face tattoo a good idea?

Why did no one stop him?
6. This enthusiastic Davido fan decided he would get a tattoo of his idol on his chest.

Terrible idea. Terrible!
7. Lil Wayne has this really messy chin tattoo.

Terrible idea.
8. The love of LV is the root of this bad decision.

Who thought this was something they wanted to wake up with every single day.
9. Nick Cannon got this tattoo while he was married to Mariah Carey.

He got it covered after their divorce and unfortunately the new one is also ugly!
10. Rukky Sanda has a colourful collection of nick nacks spread across her back.

Quite an unfortunate spread.
11. Face tattoos in general are a horrible idea, and Mike Tyson’s in not an exception.

I mean, just look at!
The moral of the story is think before you ink!