1. So, you just graduated from a College Of Medicine or Faculty Of Pharmacy eh?
And they are even calling you young doctor or “pharm pharm” at home…2. And they told you that Internship/Housemanship money is like blood money.
I mean, you have a list of family and friends you plan to kill with enjoyment.3. Naturally, your walk self has changed. I mean Pre-rich binchessss!!
Low key, you start to look down on your other friends with non-medical degrees.4. They kuku told you that they will be begging you for job so you even start to select places you want to do Internship.
I am a ‘Profeshunal’ please.5. So, the places you applied to start to call you to write exams
You start to feel on top of the world. I mean you are making it in real life without Daddy and Mummy’s help.6. Five, Six, One million exams later…
Nothing. Not even ‘You are an olodo, don’t ever come back to this place again.’ Silence.