1. So you’ve been single and searching all this while.

Single pringle.

2. Praying to God for your own customized bae.

Baba God, do it for your girl.

3. Tall, dark, handsome and rich!

Is that too much to ask?

4. You’ve toured all the owambes looking for your Prince Charming.

You’ll sha find him one day.

5. Until God finally answered your prayers and sent one beautiful guy your way.

I serve a living God!

6. The moment he walked up to you, you started dreaming of the fine babies you’ll make together.

As a sharp girl!

7. Until you asked for his name and he said ‘Chukwudi’.

Hold up first…

8. You already know your Yoruba mummy will slap you if you bring ‘Omo Nna’ home.

“ko possible!”

9. But you’re still trying to console yourself that you’ll have religion in common at least.

You cannot kuku kill yourself.

10. When you now ask for his church, and he says he’s an atheist.

Say what?

11. A-kini?

If you take him home, your mother will beat both of you together.

12. After meeting your dream man, he’s still out of your reach!

But is it even fair like this?

13. Is this how we will continue to let religious and tribal barriers spoil love for us?

Nawa o!


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.