1. How you drop everything in your life!
Drop food, drop plate, even drop microwave sef!
2. Everytime you want to enter the car, you’re like
Every time you’ll be carrying bump on your head.
3. How your shoe cuts and embarasses you everytime
You will now be walking barefoot up and down.
4. When the danfo moves before you sit down and you find yourself on the floor
People on the bus will not even say sorry!
5. When someone tells you to carry their baby and you start shaking anyhow.
If you drop the baby like this, just drop after it.
6. You, everyvtime it’s your turn to use the escalator.
7. When the bank doors close on you for the MILLIONTH time!
Na only you waka come?
8. When you’re walking up to make a presentation at work and you trip in front of the whole office
Your office crush will now see your shame!
9. When you’re at an owambe and you stain your fine lace with food
50k lace has spoilt in one day.
10. You, every time you use the staircase.
Your body sef is tired of you.
11. When you have to carry more than 2 bags, you’re like
Because you’d rather die than carry them one by one.
12. How your office table looks every single day
Your co-workers already know that’s how you used to do.
13. When someone says you should help them with their zip and you now spoil it
Who sent you message now?
14. When you drop and break your phone for the 4th time in one month
Only Nokia torchlight can do it for you.
15. And walking into a glass door is a must for you
It’s not really your fault you didn’t see it now.
16. Your dad, when you serve him food and spill his soup
Your child is a clumsy person, deal with it.