1. When you finally decide you want to buy that new iPhone.
I am ready.2. You, when you finally get it.
As I have bought the iPhone, you must all see it.3. Your charger, a minute after you start using the phone.
What is this nonsense?4. When every charger you buy after that spoils even faster.
Is it a curse?5. When an app is not available in the Nigerian App Store.
Where is the respect?6. You, when your iPhone falls face down.
It’s all over.7. When you hear how much it costs to fix a broken screen.
Ah! Please, I like the screen cracked like that.8. When you compare the official price vs. the price here in Nigeria.
Hay! You people don’t have the fear of God.9. When Siri just completely refuses to understand your accent.
Siri, don’t annoy me today.