Nigerians are still hilarious on Twitter today, but there must have been something in the air around 2014 and 2015 that made them extra funny. Here are 23 tweets from that time that prove that point.
1. The tweet about Sugar Daddies.
My friends and I could quite easily have acquired sugar daddies while in Lagos but we did not want to spend your school fees
— Jola (@Jollz) September 17, 2015
2. The tweet about Lagos traffic.
3. The tweet about having an ugly bae.
Your ugly bae cheats on you and you are just like "Edakun see somebody I was pitying o"
— The Goddess(@Brendalishus) September 7, 2015
4. The tweet about NEPA.
Nigerian version of "make hay while the sun shines" is "iron your clothes immediately nepa brings light"
— weird fish (@Sick_Sage) August 16, 2014
5. The tweet about Bella Naija weddings.
Bella Naija will have you thinking your gonna marry one oil tycoon, when it's really Yemi from marketing.
— Fola (@Fola89_) August 13, 2015
6. The tweet about kidnappers.
Kidnappers hand me phone to speak to parents..
— Lawrence (@iKillCuriosity) July 11, 2015
Mum: Hello..
Me: Mummy?
Mum: Why didn't you wash your plates before you left this morning?
7. The tweet about the pain of childbirth.
8. The tweet about puff puff.
When Puff Puff goes to an Ivy League school and gets a job with Bill Gates
— Tobi (@TheTobiSmith) August 14, 2015
9. The tweet about superstitions.
Nigerians so superstitious. Cabs will refuse to stop just cos you're wearing all black, and it's night, and you're carrying a cutlass…
— weird fish (@Sick_Sage) February 3, 2015
10. The tweet about Nigerian mothers.
11. The tweet about getting married.
I can't stand these grown men thinking they're too young for marriage, smh Adam was only 7 days old when he married Eve
— Old Miami (@flyChy) January 7, 2015
12. The tweet about wedding aso-ebi.
300k asoebi means I've bought shares in your marriage. I'll be expecting quarterly reports.
— This Ken is manic. (@TheBlackHermit) October 24, 2014
13. The tweet about shopping.
When you ask how much something is and it's expensive you pretend you're interested even though spiritually you're already on the bus home
— Stef (@FLOTUK) December 24, 2014
14. The tweet about Instagram chefs.
Instagram chefs won't just say Eba and okra, they be like parboiled cassava grains with finesse chopped okra and bells peppers.
— consigliere ³⁵ (@moyodre) October 16, 2014
15. The tweet about marine spirits.
When she's almost taken you into her marine kingdom & the spirit of God suddenly descends on you.
— É (@Ebuka__N) September 30, 2014
16. The tweet about bad breakups.
When you're trying to forget a bad relationship and ya teacher tells you to find x
— Shakabula (@muna_nz) September 22, 2014
17. The tweet about meat.
When you go back to naija after your Masters and the house girl still serves you 2 pieces of meat
— consigliere ³⁵ (@moyodre) August 8, 2014
18. The tweet about Nigerian customer service.
I hope those Nigerians in customer service know that when their prayers reach Heaven, they also meet attendants gisting and watching Afmag.
— Wale Lawal (@WalleLawal) December 10, 2014
19. The tweet about job Interviews.
Me: I'm Nigerian
— mummy’s boy (@_gflex) October 10, 2015
White interviewer: Ohhh
Me: plis dun do it
White interviewer: Yuno my father volunteered in Keny…
Me: oh mah god
20. The tweet about soup.
Everytime Breastmilk… u no de cook soup??????
— . (@Olajvde) July 23, 2015
21. The tweet about the Choc boys.
Imagine watching the choc boys on a 3D Samsung TV.
— Baby Shaynee (@Quickiepaedia) June 14, 2015
You'll see HD ice prince.
You'l see HD Jesse Jags.
You'l see HDMI.
22. The tweet about candy crush.
Oh Hi Bunmi who refused to kiss me during command in JSS1. Now sending me candy crush requests on facebook. How the mighty have fallen.
— Leo Dasilva (@SirLeoBDasilva) September 22, 2015
23. The tweet about Nigerian driving instructors.
Nigerian driving instructor: "Oya Come, Come"
— People Displeaser. (@Dotun__A) July 17, 2015