1. When you first join the office and they are unnecessarily territorial.
Is this your house?
2. When they use style to throw you under the bus when something goes wrong at work.
Wow, see betrayal!
3. When you have a group project and they aren’t pulling their weight.
Lazy human beings.
4. When they are always reporting you to your manager.
Will reporting get you to heaven.
5. When they refuse to mind their business about your personal life.
Who asked you please?
6. When they start hounding you to drop them at home after work.
Is that part of my job?
7. When they start giving unsolicited advice like it’s their area of expertise.
Oh please keep quiet.
8. When they remove their shoes in the office and change the smell of the room.
Is that an illness?
9. When they bring stockfish for lunch and stink up the whole place.
Will your insides be okay?
10. When their peer assessment is full of veiled insults as if that’s what they asked them for.
God will reward you, continue!