1. When your mom says your cousin from the village is coming to visit, you and your siblings are like:

Your washing machine is coming.

2. How she parks all her load from the village.

She will now carry all the bags she can find!

3. How she looks at you when you’re having bread and sausages for breakfast.

“Which one is this one again o?”

4. She’s only interested in garri and garri only!

The only food that makes her happy.

5. When you give her cutlery to eat rice, she’s like:

Spoon for what? When she has hands.

6. When she baths on the bathroom floor and completely ignores the bathtub.

The stress!

7. When you take her to the mall and she now wants to try herself.


8. Your cousin and Africa Magic Yoruba:

Best friends!

9. When you now have to flush the toilet for her every time.

Because she always forgets.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.