Everybody told you that you need to get a degree so you can go and find work.

You have gotten the degree now, but you’re still here looking for work like:

Every single job ad you’ve seen looks like this:

Nigerian job opening ad: Financial analyst wanted. Male, between 21 and 21.5 with at least 22 years job experience. Must also be female.

— Chef-D’œuvre (@TemiMartin) November 12, 2015

Everybody keeps asking you for job experience, but they will not hire you so you can get the experience.

You see some jobs you clearly don’t qualify for, but you apply for them anyway.

You remember saying your starting salary must be 200k and above, but you are starting to reconsider.

You used to see people walking around with this thing, and you’ve now joined them.

You have been hearing “unpaid internship” up and down, but you’re not that desperate yet.

You have even gone to meet that uncle that promised he’d help you after you graduate, but he is like:

People keep inviting you for job seminars, but you’re just here like:

You have finally resorted to sharing your CV like party pack, “you get a CV, you get a CV, EVERYBODY GETS A CV.”

Your CV is currently on almost every online job site in Nigeria.

Your email is currently filled with messages from them, but you are still jobless.

You stated the kind of jobs you wanted on the sites, but they keep sending you openings that don’t concern you.

You keep seeing job ads on the sites that literally have no details about the job.

You even went for one of the interviews they sent you, but it turned out to be a scam.

You, when they told you to pay before you could apply for the job.

You were so broke you even started considering selling your stuff.

…but then you landed on Efritin.com and saw ‘Job Vacancies’.

You saw ‘verified employers’ and accurate job descriptions.

Now you can search for a proper job without all the unnecessary wahala.

Oya! Quickly go on Efritin.com and start your wahala-free job search now!

Efritin.com, Nigeria’s No.1 marketplace for used goods! Buy and sell everything from used cars to mobile phones and computers, or search for property, jobs and more in Nigeria – for free!


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.