1. When he is frowning up and down the house and you ignore him, he’s like:

“Can’t you see I’m not okay?”

2. When you finally ask him what’s wrong, he’s like:

“You don’t even have compassion.”

3. When he has a small headache, he’s like:

“Somebody help me oh!”

4. When men have to go to the hospital for treatment, they’re like.

“This is how people die oh!”

5. When you try to do anything that doesn’t involve waiting on them hand and foot, they’re like:

“You don’t care about me!”

6. When he has to take his medicine, he’s like:

Medicine? Again?

7. So what if he had to go through period cramps?

Ehn Mr man?

8. Or go through hours and hours of labour multiple times?

Obviously nobody would hear word.

9. And they say women are the weaker sex!



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.