1. Do you people know the kind of work that goes into wearing a tight gele that is lowkey trying to kill you?

2. You people think it’s easy to be booking make-up artist every weekend? Netter be thanking girls for the employment they provide every weekend

3. As if that expense isn’t enough, you’ll now have to buy fuel, or worse, pay cab to get to the event

4. Then one yeye waiter will now come and say small chops has finished

5. Or when you decide to do over-sabi and wear waist-trainer, you’ll just be looking at all the jollof you can’t eat with regret

6. Or when they sent your heels against you, and it wants to trip you as soon as you finally lock eyes with the Yoruba demon you’ve been targeting

7. Somebody will now say you won’t collect souvenir after all the work you’ve put in for the party


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.