1. How you run out when you hear it’s time for musical chairs:

I’m ready to win that extra party pack.
2. When you’re still dancing like a normal human being because the chairs are plenty.

They don’t know the real you is about to emerge.
3. How you eye each chair facing you as you approach it:

Can’t risk it, biko.
4. You, dancing in the direction of the chair as you pass it like:

Music fit stop any foken time.
5. How you look at the Dj when the song is almost over and he has not paused it:

How is it doing this one?
6. When all of you get carried away by the jams the DJ is playing.

7. You, when the music stops without any warning:

8. When you and another child have half nyansh on one chair and you successfully push them off.

9. You, looking at that child that refuses to accept they are out of the game:

Hian! Leave this place na.
10. When your friend moves your chair right before you land on it.

Wow! Is it like that?
11. How you feel when the music stops for you right in front of a chair:

See what God can do.
12. When someone sits on your lap and refuses to stand up:

Respect yourself, biko.
13. You, watching people go back to their seats in shame when they lose:

Come and be going, abeg.
14. How you play when there is only one chair left:

It is no longer a game.
15. How you sit on the last chair when you win the game: