1. When you tell someone where you’re from and they start speaking your language to you.

2. How Nigerians look at you when you say you can’t speak your language:

3. When you lie that you can speak it and someone asks you to.

4. When your relatives visit and your parents completely dump English.

5. When you hear some words that you understand and try to connect the dots.

6. When a relative that knows you don’t understand keeps speaking it to you.

7. When your parents only ever spoke English to you and then all of a sudden say “speak your language!”

8. When you hear your name mentioned in a conversation happening in your native language.

9. When one of your relatives offers to teach you.

10. When they start comparing you to your cousin that is fluent.

11. When you go to the village and someone comments on how you “still don’t understand it.”

12. When you have to visit relatives that can only speak the language.

13. You, attempting to speak it = 80% English + 20% Words you can remember.