1. When hair decides to grow everywhere else on your body except your chin.

Is it fair?
2. When you go to the salon and your barber shaves off the 3 strands you’ve been managing.

See this bastard.
3. You, rubbing methylated spirit and indian hemp on your chin like:

Baba God, do it for your son.
4. Your face, whenever you see a Gillette ad on TV.

Stop the torture.
5. When you see an Igbo babe that has more hair on her chin than you.

I’m jealous.
6. How you look at men that actually have and decide to shave it off:

God will judge you.
7. What your chin looks like if you decide to go months without shaving:

See my life.
8. You, remembering all the lies your Biology teacher told you about puberty.

Where is the facial hair you promised?
9. When the only hair growing on your face is just a useless moustache.

Who sent you?
10. When your hair finally decides to start growing on your chin but it now refuses to join your sideburns.

What is now the point, biko?