1. When it’s Monday and all you can look forward to is Friday.
Friday, where is you?2. And in the middle of the week you make weekend plans with your squad.
This weekend will be lit!3. When Friday comes and you swear you’ll enjoy this weekend.
Fun!4. When work is over and you go straight home to rest for your fun day tomorrow.
Beauty sleep please.5. When you wake up on Saturday morning and you tell yourself you’ll be in bed all day.
NO WORK!6. When you remember that you have made plans to go out.
What have I done?!7. When you realize that to go out you have to get up, have your bath and wear clothes.
I can’t do this.8. But all you want to do is eat and sleep.
Let me sleep nau?!9. When you start thinking about how you will get out of the plans you made.
Because I’m not leaving this house today.