1. When she meets him for the first time and you ask her what she thinks of him, she’s like:

“He’s okay sha but to me he is somehow.”
2. Whenever he comes to the house and greets her, she’s like:

Ahn ahn!I thought you said you would be nice mummy!
3. When she is still trying to “introduce” you to a son of her friend.

I said I have a boyfriend ma!
4. When you say you love him, she’s like:

“You love WHOOOO?”
5. How you have to beg him every time he comes to visit and your mum descends on him:

“Honey she was just joking!”
6. When you tell her you are going out with him and then she suddenly has “urgent errands” for you to help her run.

What is all this one now?
7. When she starts subbing your relationship during morning devotion.

Is that what we are here for?
8. When you have problems at work and she find a way to connect it to your relationship.

Is that what we are talking about now?
9. When you have problems in your relationship, she’s like:

“My God is working!”
10. When you ask her why she is so convinced you must break up with your boyfriend.

So how come God did not tell me?
11. Whenever he sees her in public, he’s like:

Before she will use style to abuse him in front of other people.
12. When he breaks up with you because your mothers wahala is too much, she’s like:

“I told you that boy was a useless boy.”