The year is about to end and while many are panicking about not having achieved 2 out of the 30 goals they had on their New Year’s resolution, you can’t relate because you don’t have one, not even a fitness goal, the one everyone seems to have. You don’t need it because you feel people who create one are aje-butter. Your mantra is, “Why go to the gym when I trek everyday?”
Let me blow your mind: If any of these applies to you then you may have been fitfaming all this time without realising !
- You have a food schedule in your house. Yes, the one you painstakingly created, ensuring that carbohydrates and protein mix daily.

- You don’t go anywhere without water. Your name should be Fountain, considering the gallons of water you drink on a daily.

- You don’t drink fizzy beverages because they make you sneeze and are sickening sweet; why do people go crazy over it for reals though?
- You work up a considerable amount of sweat, especially the moment when you are waiting for a bus. I mean, it’s not your fault Nigeria is hot, but still. ICYMI, sweating out a lot of liquid can cause you to lose water weight. If that’s not fitfaming, only God knows what is.

- You don’t need a treadmill, you walk so fast, Usian Bolt can’t keep up with you.

Did you relate to any of this? Then fam, you are part of the fitfam fambam.