This is a post about all the soft lies we were sold as kids and have come to realize as adults. Ranging from career advice to relationships, to even what it means to be an adult.
Let’s get into it:
1) Karma is real.
Nollywood really played a fast one on us because we grew up believing that bad things happen to bad people. So why are our politicians laughing at us?
2) We are the leaders of tomorrow.
Lol. A large majority of young people can’t even get decent jobs. And the ones that do get jobs realize that they have to jaapa.
3) Get married at 25, have a family, a job…

4) After passing Jamb, you can rest.
I haven’t rested for a day since I entered Uni.
5) And they lived happily ever after.
Why didn’t anyone even give us the slightest hint about the hard work of both romantic relationships and friendships? Eez too hard. Cinderella come outside, I want to fight.
6) Salary is the bribe you get to forget your dreams.
They really tried it. They sold us aspire to perspire tea.
7) As an adult, no one can tell you what to do.
Okay oh.