The japa wave in Nigeria is strong. If you’re young, chances are you’ve inquired about packing your load and moving to the greener parts of God’s earth in the quest for a better life. For some, it’s not only wishes, they’re putting in some action to make it happen.

But we’re Nigerians. Nobody will walk up to you and say, “Oh hey, I’m moving abroad soon. I just wanted to tell you one year ahead.” Nah, you have to find out yourself.

This article will let you know how to find out if your friend or church member is planning to japa.

1. They stop posting on social media

This is the first step in going incognito. They figure, if they don’t post for a while, people will eventually forget they exist and they can go about planning their emigration successfully. Check your friends’ social media today.

2. They make sudden major life decisions

Especially with their relationships. They’ll either break up with their partners or suddenly get married. If you ask them why, they’ll say it was just the right time. Lies. They just want to have clarity going forward. No more time for play.

3. Check their likes on Twitter

People relocate mentally before they relocate physically. If you get familiar, you can avoid surprises. Their Twitter likes will make you think they’re already abroad, already liking and following abroad people. Stalk your friends today.

4. They start acting broke

Hey! Wake up, they’re not broke. They’re trying to save money for Proof of Funds.

5. They complain about Nigeria at every chance they get

If it’s not the bad roads, it’s the government, and the education. They’ll round up their complaints with something like, “Well, the future of this country is in our hands now,” and then snicker a bit. In their minds, they’ve finessed you.

6. They’ll start selling their stuff

If your guy just randomly sells his PS4 or his car, ask him why. He cannot drive to Canada, can he? He’s planning to japa.

7. They get generally detached

They just don’t seem to care about anything anymore. They just want to leave.

Many Nigerians have already completed the Japa process. We talk to one of them every week and tell their stories. Super interesting stuff. Read all their stories here.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.