In the original, a radioactive spider gave Spider-Man his powers. But we created a twist in the story.
Praying mantis

Instead of fighting villains physically, my man will fight them spiritually. The end justifies the means abi?

You know those annoying buzzing sounds that mosquitoes make? Now imagine a superhero with that kind of power. I honestly feel like it’s game over for criminals. Just as you’re about to rob a bank, the sound of incoherent classical music fused with amapiano blasting in your ears will force you to consider a life without crime.

He won’t even care about fighting crime. His own is just to build houses. Another day, another anthill.

He’d probably go undercover, join the criminals and rat them out.

Villians, hide your foodstuff. Someone’s about to eat all your food till you starve and turn yourself in.
He doesn’t fight villains. He fleas.

He always jumps to conclusions. His investigation is always shallow and he often attacks innocent people.