If there’s anything that should have major shareholdings in a procrastination company, it is without a doubt, television series. 

One more episode before you work turns into 2 seasons, and before you know it, you’ve pushed your deadline by another day.

We know there are many TV addicts amongst us, but which one are you? We made a whole list for you to choose from.

The type that can’t eat unless they’re watching an episode of their favourite series.

As if no, Ndani TV adds an extra spice to the rice and stew.

2. The type that sets a reminder for his TV show.

*Adds Assistant Madams drops Wednesdays to reminders*

3. The one that can watch the same series over and over again.

If we still used CDs, the poor series would have scratched and caught fire by now.

5. The most common TV addict, the promise and fail kind.

Lies and lies.

6. The over-dramatic kind of TV addict.

If you haven’t paused an episode of your favourite show because the characters are doing the most, count yourself lucky.

7. The addicts that have shown the office wi-fi pepper.

If the office wi-fi has crashed because of your uTorrent downloads, just look at yourself.

8. The kind that shows up to class looking like this because he spent all night bingeing on his favourite show.

The kind that shows up to class looking like this because he spent all night bingeing on his favourite show.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.