In today’s world of remote working, where the lines between work hours and personal lines have been blurred, keeping a proper work-life balance can seem impossible. However, striking the right balance between work and play is important because it improves our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Because all work and no play (and vice versa), makes for a terrible life. Here are 4 tips on how to achieve a better work-life balance.
1) Set boundaries between personal time and work hours:

This is also necessary to avoid burnout. Avoid thinking about work when you leave the office. Try to have a separate phone and computer for work activities or if that isn’t possible, have separate browsers for work and personals emails. It’ll also help to notify coworkers about the hours you’ve set aside for yourself so they know to not reach out to you during that time.
2) Make time to spend with yourself and loved ones:

You were an individual with a life before you took this job and you should make time for the things and activities that bring you joy. Like spending time with yourself or with family. Your job is important but don’t let it take over your whole life. It helps to make plans on a calendar so your brain makes it official. Remember that no one at work is going to care about you like your loved ones and if you leave today (or die), your colleagues will carry on without missing a beat.
3) Don’t be afraid to unplug:

Technology has greatly improved life in many ways but it has also created the terrible expectation of constant accessibility. You may turn off your computer but with your phone or tablet synced up, you’ll still get notifications from work, causing stress when you’re supposed to be relaxing and meaning that the workday never really ends. By unplugging or not reacting to work updates during personal time, you build resilience.
4) Remember to start small

As with any new change in life, remember to start small when it comes to achieving a better work-life balance. Doing this ensures that that the change won’t be so difficult, which could lead to you falling back into unhealthy life habits.