Nearly everyone has had to speak to an audience before. But it’s especially difficult when you’re a shy person.

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The endless struggle to rehearse

Kid writing
Source: zikoko memes

Writing and committing the entire speech to memory is one hell of a job. You begin to rehearse in the shower, mirror, on the road, and everywhere.

The urge to run away when it’s time to take the stage

Why are you running meme
Source: zikoko memes

At this point, you’re thinking, “Why did I agree to do this in the first place?”

You get on the stage and the crowd looks like a pack of wolves

Source: zikoko memes

All eyes are on you, and you begin to quiver.

You forget your lines

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This is every speaker’s worst nightmare

. Everything you memorised vanishes.

The crowd starts clapping in a bid to encourage you

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Thank you all. You’re the real OGs.

Then the mic stops working

Source: zikoko memes

Now you have to rely on your voice. 

And someone from the back tells you to speak louder

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It’s not your fault. Nonsense.

It’s time for questions and contributions

Source: zikoko memes

At this point, you’re just happy the difficult part is over.

Then someone’s contribution is longer than your speech

Source: zikoko memes

Why didn’t you just give the speech yourself?


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