1) Make sure you go in the afternoon when the sun is hot as hell.
Because they’ll be exhausted by this time and easy to manipulate.
2) Find the shop of a seller who clearly looks like he/she can’t even anymore.
They’re super easy to spot.
3) If you’re looking to buy something in particular, don’t let the seller know.
No matter what item you’re looking at, have a look of utter disgust on your face.
4) If/When you do find what you’re looking for, casually ask:
Your facial expression has to make them think you finally found something you don’t hate.
5) When they tell you the price, scream:
Clutch your chest for dramatic effect.
6) When they ask you how much you want to pay, slash the price they called for you and slash it in half.
After all, they’re the ones that asked you how much you want to pay.
7) The second they disagree, walk away.
Or even better, start walking towards one of their competitors. They’ll beg you to come back because it’s almost the end of the day and they want to make the most money they can before closing.
8) As they reluctantly pack the things you bought, laugh maniacally at the fact that you broke their spirit.
You are victorious.
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