1. When you cut your hair to look edgy but now your head just looks big and weird.

2. When your hairdresser is having relationship/life issues and takes it out on your poor scalp.

3. When you try to find a comfortable sleeping position the first day you do your braids.

4. When someone assumes you can just “pop in and out” of the salon.

5. When you have natural hair and your aunties ask you when you’re going to make your hair.

6. When the hairdresser leaves your relaxer on too long and and now you are sure all your hair is going to fall off.

7. When people say relaxed hair isn’t real hair.

8. When you go natural thinking it will easier to maintain.

9. You, after you’ve bought your natural hair products.

10. When you realise the joy of wigs.

11. When you change your hairstyle and people don’t immediately notice.

12. When you’ve just done your hair and now your whole face is tight like you just got botox.

13. When the hairdressers start spilling sweet gist.