1. When you say hello with all the love in your heart and they reply normally.

Ahn ahn!
2. When you try to flirt and they are just looking.

Mr man you better participate!
3. When they refer to you as a “great friend”.

Not only friend.
4. When they now graduate from calling you their friend to saying you are like their brother/sister.

Please I know the number of children my mother had and you are not among oh!
5. When they come and start asking you for relationship advice.

Take your problems to God because me I am ready to scatter the relationship.
6. When they say “whoever you end up with will be very lucky”.

It better be you oh!
7. When you meet their boyfriend or girlfriend you’re like:

“Nice to meet you too.”
8. When they finally seem to be responding to your advances.

Success at last!
9. Then you find out it’s because they were fighting with their boyfriend/girlfriend.

Kuku kill me oh!
10. When you are now over them and they start liking you, you’re like:

You better leave here!