There’s every other normal person in life, and there are tech bros. Such is the difference between our species. Nonetheless, it’s not hard to pick out a tech bro from the crowd if you know what to look out for.
1. Turtleneck.
Every tech bro has at least 3 different shades of black turtlenecks. It’s part of their uniform.

2. Chelsea boots.
Once you see this, just know that this is a tech bro.

3. Laptop bag.
This is also part of the uniform.

4. Afro/dreadlocks/dyed hair.
As most of them are going through pre-midlife crises, they suddenly decide that a non-conventional hairstyle is what has been missing from their lives so they try to fill this void with hair. Unfortunately, most of them don’t have the hairline capacity for this.

5. Laptop covered with stickers.
The only thing more important than having a head of unexplainable hair is making sure everyone knows you’re a tech bro.

6. Headphones.
Accompanying the overburdened laptop is often a headphone that’s probably too large for the tech bro.

7. Preaching on Twitter.
Tech Bros always have something to say about everything, so it’s not strange to find a tech bro spinning long Twitter threads about god-knows-what.
8. Lives in Gbagada/Yaba/Surulere
Our very own Silicon Valley

8. Probably drives a Corolla.
It is easy to confuse them with GTBank boys but that’s expected.

9. Sweatpants.
Is he really a tech bro if he doesn’t own several pairs of sweatpants?

10. Piercings.
Your average tech bro wears a earring. Or plans on getting a piercing.

11. Painted nails.
If his nails are painted, he is a tech bro.

Man Like – A series about men, for men, by men. Every Sunday by 12PM.