Like Alladin and the magic lamp, your favourite love song crooner transformed practically overnight into the bad boy we are dealing with today. It seems like nobody can get enough AG and you might be wondering how you can do this for yourself too. Here’s our guide to rebranding like Adekunle Gold/AG Baby.
1. Pierce your ears
The more piercings you get, the better. Wearing earrings can convert you from “where’s my hug?” type of guy to “Baby, come to me, m’olowo.”

2. Pick a new hairstyle
Enough of doing the same hairstyle for the last 10 years. Do Something Different (pun very much intended). Locs or braids are the way to go. Of course, this doesn’t apply to you if you’re working in one bank where you have to wear a tie. Don’t say Zikoko made you lose your job.

3. Grow out your beard
A beard changes EVERYTHING, according to some of my sauces.Look at how it changed Adekunle Wura to AG Zaddy. If you don’t believe it, look at a regular picture of Jason Momoa and look at him in Dune. They said his face looked like a freshly shaved armpit.
4. Stop focusing on love and start focusing on money
Nobody was pay AG Baby any attention when he was singing about Sade and Orente. Reports reaching us tell us that Orente was starting to complain, so Adekunle had to switch it up. Now, look at him.

5. Find something to motivate you.
For AG baby, he has been putting out bangers since his daughter was born. He is clearly motivated by all the school fees he’ll soon start paying.

7. Go and marry.
Since AG Baby married, he has been releasing constant bangers. Get married to a Nigerian woman today.

6. Get a tattoo.
This completes your bad boy makeover. You’re now ready to get on the road and break a few hearts.