Wingmanning doesn’t start and end with introducing your friend to potential partners. Is an art that involves planning, strategy and proper execution. We’ll teach you just how it works.

Understand the client

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The client, in this case, is your friend. It’s difficult to draft a good strategy if you don’t know his strengths and weaknesses. Draft a list so you can plan how best to highlight his good traits and sell your friend. It’s basically a marketing gig, and you’re the head of sales, but for free.


Source: Zikoko memes

You’re about to venture into uncharted waters that, depending on the results, could soil your reputation. If you believe in a supreme being, ask for their help.

Wear a ring

Source: Zikoko memes

Once they see you’re taken, the focus will automatically fix on your single friend.

Attention should never be on you

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I know you’re a spec, but please, let the brother shine. A rule of thumb is to never out dress your friend. You can’t be a wingman and look like a king who’s just been crowned.

Help your friend exaggerate his achievements

Source: Zikoko memes

If you can add “working in your mum’s shop” to your marketing executive CV, then you should have no problem doing this. Don’t lie; just be economical with the truth.

Have a funny story on standby

Source: Zikoko memes

This works best when the story ends with your friend coming to save the day. A good “knight in shining armour” story has worked wonders since 125 BC. 

Know when it’s time to leave

Source: Zikoko memes

You’re John the Baptist. Preparing them for the coming of the messiah your friend. Your role is not to sweep them off their feet but to prepare the mattress for when he does the sweeping. Once you can see things going well, excuse them and celebrate a job well done.

And when it’s time to abort the mission

Source: Zikoko memes

On the other hand, everything could be going badly, but because your friend is so infatuated, he doesn’t even notice. Take the initiative and drag him out of there. You need to regroup to rethink the strategy.


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