People owing you money are some of the hardest people to catch in this life, right after the people on FBI’s most-wanted list. These people can dodge so hard, even you will start to doubt if they truly exist. 

If you’re sharp, there are ways you can catch them.

1. Show up at their house by 4 am

They can’t escape anywhere.

2. Hide in the boot of their car

Let them take you to their office so that you can collect your money directly from their salary.

3. Stalk them when they are going to the ATM

Just collect all the money they withdraw.

4. Steal all their clothes from the washing line

If they want their clothes back, they should pay you your money

5. Catfish them


Then catch them on the first date. Money at first sight.

6. Call them with a different number to tell them they’ve won promo

Comedy Skit - Brother Shaggy, has a girl ever toasted you before.

Then hold their trouser when they come to redeem the prize.

Quick. Go read 5 Crazy Emotions You Feel When You Receive A Bank Alert.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.