If you’ve ever worked a job for an extended period of time, then you’ll relate to this.

1) Punctuality:

First month: I must get to work early.

After one year: Let me sleep 30 minutes more. I’ll lie that police stopped me.

2) Attitude towards KPI:

First month: I must die for the company.

After one year: I can’t kill myself.

3) Attitude towards salary:

First month: Oh my God, this is a lot of money.

After one year: You people pay me peanuts for the amount of work I do.

4) Behavior at work:

First month: Hi.

After one year: My peeeeoooppleee! How una dey?

5) Attitude towards overtime:

First month:

I’ll work public holidays and weekends.

After one year: Jesus died so we may live. I no do.

6) Toilet manners:

First month: I’m going to wash my hands in the toilet.

After one year: I dey go shit.

7) Gratitude level:

First month: This is a glorious opportunity.

After one year: It’s all a scam.

8) How you respond to “Do you love your job?”

First month: It’s the best thing ever.

After one year: We thank God. Once there’s life, there’s hope.

9) Attitude towards criticism at work:

First month: I must be perfect so they don’t find fault in my work.

After one year: No one ever died of insult.

10) Loyalty:

First month: I’m going to work here till I die.

After one year: In case you see anything, I’m open to new opportunities.

Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments section.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.