If you’ve ever worked a job for an extended period of time, then you’ll relate to this.
1) Punctuality:
First month: I must get to work early.
After one year: Let me sleep 30 minutes more. I’ll lie that police stopped me.
2) Attitude towards KPI:
First month: I must die for the company.
After one year: I can’t kill myself.
3) Attitude towards salary:
First month: Oh my God, this is a lot of money.
After one year: You people pay me peanuts for the amount of work I do.
4) Behavior at work:
First month: Hi.
After one year: My peeeeoooppleee! How una dey?
5) Attitude towards overtime:
First month:
After one year: Jesus died so we may live. I no do.
6) Toilet manners:
First month: I’m going to wash my hands in the toilet.
After one year: I dey go shit.
7) Gratitude level:
First month: This is a glorious opportunity.
After one year: It’s all a scam.
8) How you respond to “Do you love your job?”
First month: It’s the best thing ever.
After one year: We thank God. Once there’s life, there’s hope.
9) Attitude towards criticism at work:
First month: I must be perfect so they don’t find fault in my work.
After one year: No one ever died of insult.
10) Loyalty:
First month: I’m going to work here till I die.
After one year: In case you see anything, I’m open to new opportunities.
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments section.