People quit their jobs for various different reasons; financial reasons, change in career, you know the rest. We asked Nigerians to tell us the prettiest reasons they quit their jobs.

Some of the responses will leave you shocked.

Note: Names of respondents have been changed for anonymity

1. Soji, 29

I had a job when I was in 400 level. I used to go to school on some days and then go to the office on some other days. It was going really well. And then, school finished. It was time to start working full-time. So I quit. I wasn’t ready for that life. I wanted to “enjoy my youth” before I sold my soul to any organisation. In retrospect, it helped me calm down and plan things better, but at the time, it was a very unwise thing to do.

2. Beatrice, 27

At my job, they partnered me up with someone I don’t like. We have a monthly rotation, so they paired me with him for one month but it definitely felt longer than one month. When I saw the new list for the next month and I was with him again, I lost it, so I quit.

3. Aisha, 30

I used to be a parking attendant at my college. It was the first job I ever had in America. The first winter came and I was covered to my nose, standing outside in the cold, parking cars and my supervisor came barely wearing a coat and started laughing because I looked silly and it wasn’t even that cold. I went straight to the office and quit.

4. Ekaete, 23

I worked remotely for a “media” company and they owed me my salary. I almost died of hunger. Those fuckers. Anyways, they wanted me to resume going to the office for the same shit pay and I was like “Okay”… I left the second they paid the salary they were owing.

5. Mary, 25

I spent only three weeks at a company because they were disorganised. They would get things done, but they were quite scattered. I just left. I didn’t tell them that’s why I was leaving though.

6. Ade, 27

Pettiest reason I quit a job was because my manager was annoying and over familiar and being the Nigerian that I am, I could not trust someone that was too friendly. She fit go poison my coffee for break room.

7. Zee, 31

My former boss had a “Me vs Them” approach to running the organisation. He had his guys, and because I came into the organisation through a mutual friend of ours, he assumed I would be one of his guys.

Sadly, things didn’t go as planned. While I sympathise with him, I refused to get sucked into office politics. I was decent to all- his friends and enemies alike. But he wasn’t having any of it, he needed me to inherit his battles. The passive aggression never got to me, but one fateful morning, I asked for my brief, and he yelled “I’m busy!” at me.

I nodded, got my things, walked out and never went back.



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