We spend the bulk of our time at work slaving for the man, therefore, it’s only right that you have office husband. Someone that makes time pass a little bit faster at work. Also, someone, you can confide in and gossip with.
Follow this complete guide to get your own office husband today:
1) Get lunch together.

Love in a time of shaki and roundabout.
2) Rub his head for favors.

Please na.
3) Always go to disturb him during your free time.

“Bighead, what are you up to?”
4) Don’t talk outside of work.

Boundaries pls.
5) Tell your partner that he’s harmless.

“He’s just a friend.”
6) Give him a term of endearment that’s still official.

“Mr. Darling.”
7) Cheat on your partner with him.

What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
If you like this, you can check out our new column titled ‘A Week In The Life Of” that documents the struggle of what it means to hustle in Nigeria and try to earn a living.
Click here to read the first episode about Odunayo, a keke rider. She shows us what it means to be a breadwinner, a chief, and a woman in a male-dominated field.