wise quotes about money
Do you remember when you were a child and hadn’t developed a proper understanding of the concept of money so you thought that every adult always had money and that your parents were just being mean whenever they didn’t give you money or buy you something you wanted? Those were good times. Here are 5 wise quotes about money that you most likely heard back then and didn’t understand but do now that you’re older.
1) “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

Whether you’re considering a new investment scheme that promises a 50% ROI monthly or making an important purchase, stop and ask yourself if it seems too good to be true. If it seems so, then it most likely is. For example, buying the latest iPhone for 40% of its usual price from a sweaty guy under the bridge at Ikeja is how you end up with an Apple product that somehow screams “Hello Moto!” and shows the Nokia logo when you turn it on.
2) “More money, more problems”

The Notorious B.I.G wasn’t kidding when he sang
3) “You get what you pay for.”

It might seem like a good idea at the moment to buy a cheaper version of a thing so it’s easier on your wallet but that’ll cost you more in the long run. For example, if you buy low-quality shoes that cost N1000 and fall apart in 2 months but you keep replacing them with that same brand, you’ll end up spending more than you would’ve if you had just bought high-quality shoes that cost N10,000 in the first place.
4) “You have to spend money to make money.”

Everyone who has started their own business knows this one. At random points in your entrepreneurial journey, you have to invest money in your business. The key is to not sink all your money at once but to make smart and wise investments over time.
5) “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

This one is all about the importance of saving and investing. Enjoying your money is important but sacrificing a little bit now so you can have more in the future is also important. The key is to find a balance between being selfish to your present self and being selfish to your future self.