Vol 47 | 25-09-2023

Good morning, {$name}.
One of the first things that jumped out to me while reading an early draft of today’s #NairaLife was how this 24-year-old has always been cut out for entrepreneurship. So I wasn’t surprised when I learned she started a shoemaking business when she entered uni. How’s that going, you ask?
Well, owning a business is hard. But building one as a student is not for the faint-hearted. For her, events she couldn’t control have impacted her operations and revenue.
She’s only 24; I’m sure she’s not done yet. Power to the GenZ.
In this letter:
- #NairaLife:This Medical Student Made ₦800k/Month Making Shoes Last Year. Now, She’s Broke
- I Don’t Have Any Human Friend — A Week In The Life Of A Zookeeper
- Money Meanings: “Breakeven”
- Game: #HowMuchLast
- Where The Money At?!

#NairaLife: This Medical Student Made ₦800k/Month Making Shoes Last Year. Now, She’s Broke

The 24-year-old subject of this #NairaLife may be in medical school, but it’s clear she has an entrepreneurial calling. She started making shoes in 2017 and got her big break two years later.
But it’s 2023, and she’s back to trying to find her feet. What happened?
Some other great money articles you should read:

I Don’t Have Any Human Friend —A Week In The Life Of A Zookeeper

The subject of this “A Week In The Life” is Mr. Emeka, a Zookeeper. He talks about being friends with animals, some of the hazards that come with his job and his plans to open his own zoo.
An excerpt: “I love animals. I really do. In fact, I don’t have any human friend that I can sit to gist with for 5 minutes. I prefer animals to human beings because not only are they more reliable, but you can also predict their behaviour. You know what to expect from an animal, but with human beings, you’re always guessing. In the past, I tamed a civet cat and was taking it around like a dog. I’ve also tamed a python that I was waking up and sleeping with in my house. I used to take that python everywhere with me too. It’s sad that I had to sell both the python and cat to a zoo in Lagos.”

Here’s the thing: we want to make this newsletter better for you, and we’re hoping you can tell us how to make this happen. To get started, we have a few questions to ask you. It’ll only be a minute.

Money Meanings

Game: #HowMuchLast
#HowMuchLast is a game where we show you an item and you tell us (and the world) the highest amount you’d pay for it.
Some weeks will be Okin biscuit, some others will be SUVs.
This week, I’m curious about the biggest sum of money you’d shell out for a good noise cancelling headphone. So, tell me how much you’re willing to pay for it here.
What’s the most you’d pay? Tweet at us here.

Where The Money At?!
We can’t say we’re about the money and not actually help you find the money.
So we’ve compiled a list of job opportunities for you. Make sure you share this with anyone who might need it because in this community, we look out for each other.
Again, don’t mention. We gatchu.

All good things must come to an end. But not this good thing. We’ll be back next week.
In the
meantime, keep reading Zikoko’s articles and be sure to share the love.
Till next week…
Yours cashly,
Zikoko’s “OG” Mr. Money
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