Netflix’ Red Notice is the long-delayed collaboration between Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds. Since it came out, the interwebs have been buzzing with different takes on the $200million blockbuster. For the first episode of Love It/Hate It, we decided to ask Nigerians what they thought about the film. 


The acting was garbage. Ryan Reynolds played the role he always plays (himself) but was nowhere near convincing as a high-class thief. Gal Gadot is stunning but, MY GOD, she can’t act for shit. Then there’s Dwayne Johnson who has the acting range of an actual rock. How is it that two people who are hot as hell filmed a sexy dance scene and the scene itself ended up having the sex appeal of a Redeemed pastor in a short-sleeved suit? I loved it and hated it at the same time. It’s pretty entertaining nonsense.


I hated it! I mean, some scenes were funny but it just didn’t give anything. It’s a movie you watch when you have nothing to do and want to kill time. I just feel bad that Wonder Woman was cast in this.


What was everyone expecting? I loved it! You saw The Rock and Gal Gadot and thought you were going to get Oscar-level acting? Abeg. I knew it wasn’t going to give, so I watched it with my bar under the third mainland bridge. It reminded me of all the worst parts of Indiana Jones but I couldn’t stop watching. Gal Gadot is fine sha!


I can’t be the only one who was thinking “Kal El, nooooo” every time Gal Gadot appeared on-screen? Justice League ruined her for me and now that scene plays in my head every time I see her. I laughed throughout the movie but not at the jokes. The film itself was a chaotic mess and I loved it. Quick question, is Netflix doing jazz? Where are they getting the money to pay all these stars?


Would I pay to watch this attractive cast have sex? Yes. Do I regret watching them pretend to be savvy thieves? No. This felt like all the films we’ve seen before. It’s like they put The Hitman’s Bodyguard, Fast and Furious, and Keeping Up With The Joneses into one pot and  forgot to add salt. I hated it!


I am tired of seeing Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool as Ryan Reynolds as someone else. It’s exhausting! That man plays the same role over and over again. Is he not tired? Because I am.. And then there’s The Rock, In yet another film playing a police man working with one criminal to catch another criminal. What in the fast and not so furious is this film? By the way, we need to defund Gal Gadot. This affliction she calls acting keeps rising and we have to stop the evil once and for all.


The CGI in this film was so bad, it reminded me of Spy Kids. Why did they promote this film like it was going to blow our minds? I wasted time I should’ve used to fornicate or make soup on this stupid film. Do I like it? Of course not!


First of all, I know this film will have a sequel. You people have hate-watched it to the point that it broke a record. I know, I watched it too. Netflix has too much money because tell me why they hired three actors who can’t even act? Do they think we’re mugs? I wouldn’t even recommend this to my worst enemy. 


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.