When I wake up every morning, the first thing I do is get on my knees and thank God for that corner of Nollywood that has seemingly dedicated itself to making unintentionally hilarious, terribly made Hollywood blockbusters knock-offs.

From that amazing corner of Nollywood that served us hot cinematic abominations like The Bat-Man and The Spider-Girl

…comes another knock-off that absolutely no one asked for or wanted.

The Legend of Gatuso is about a child of prophecy born with the ability to control the four elements. His destiny is to bring peace and balance to mankind, but the Fire Nation – led by the evil Fire Lord – want to conquer and rule the world. So they set out on a quest to kill Gatuso before he masters the use of his abilities.

If it feels like you’ve heard this premise before, it’s because you have. In the wildly popular Nickelodeon animated tv series, Avatar: The Last Airbender.

This is the same look I had on my face while wondering how the people who made this thought no one would notice what they’d done.

The makers of this didn’t even try. Gatuso is called The Avatar and has an arrow on his head. The only difference is that while Aang’s was a tattoo, Gatuso’s arrow is made out of HIS OWN HAIR.


Meet knock-off Katara and Sokka.

The actress playing knock-off Katara is clearly trying not to laugh in this scene because she can’t believe this mess. I can’t tell if the actor playing knock-off Sokka is a little adult or just an old looking child.

The whole thing annoys me because, with an original story, this could’ve been a kinda decent-ish movie.

Here’s the fire nation bending some fire:

Here’s Aang Gatuso bending some earth:

Here’s Gatuso with his staff that also doubles as a lightsaber now.

Here’s Gatuso blocking a fireball with what looks like a shield made of light:

Light bending.

Here’s the final shot of the trailer, Gatuso in the Avatar state:

You know what? Just watch the trailer:


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.