Watching the BBNaija show comes with different stages. You may not notice it, but somehow you go through a complete metamorphosis from the first week you watch the show to the last week when the winner is finally announced. The viewer you were at the beginning of the show is dramatically different from the viewer you become at the end of the show.
This article will take you through how BBNaija Show fans graduate from viewers to sugar mummy/daddies.
1. The objective critique stage

At this stage where the show just started and no one has gotten emotionally attached yet. Everyone just gets on their high horse and starts publishing hot takes on how the housemates are boring and the production is wack and every one part of the eviction process should be fired because they did a horrible job.
2. The “interested, but not interested” stage

This is the stage where people start getting attached to housemates. They’ll start posting about housemates they like and subtly defending their favs on social media. At this stage they may reject the fan base name but, best believe in one week, they will add that same name to their handle.
3. The “stan” stage

This is the stage where people are now seen on social media “stanning” their favs every day. The stage where they carry their fav’s matter on their head and cuss out anyone that dares to slander this fav. This is also the stage where they start proudly joining Whatsapp groups to vote and campaign for their favs. And of course, they use their fav’s picture as their DP.
4. The sugar mummy/daddy

This stage kicks off when the show ends. This is the stage where fans start funding their favs. They crowdfund to give their favs extravagant cash gifts and may even go as far as buying properties for their favs that they themselves do not own yet. At this stage, the average BBN viewer has successfully gone from an objective viewer to an emotionally invested sugar daddy/mummy.
Which stage of watching the BBNaija show are you currently at? Tell us in the comments.